Hello, my fellow New Practitioners!
One of my favorite hobbies is gardening and cooking the items I get from my home garden. This year I grew corn, red peppers, cucumbers, brussels sprouts, tomatoes, radishes, and so much more! Unfortunately, I live in Indiana and in the winter my garden doesn't provide much for me. I love my standard winter recipes that I have created on my own, or that were passed down from various family members; however, I want to start branching out! I have so many cookbooks, but I am scared to try a recipe because what if it isn't as good as it sounds? What are some of your favorite winter recipes that you could share with me? Simpler and faster is better with our busy lives. Thanks in advance!
Laura Sosinski PharmD, MBA, BCPS
Pharmacy Manager - Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy
Adjunct Professor BSHS - Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
APhA NPN Member Engagement Standing Committee