New Practitioner Network

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  • 1.  Celebrating American Pharmacists Month together!

    Posted 10-05-2023 09:55 PM

    American Pharmacists Month is celebrated every year in October! This is an opportunity to celebrate our profession and share our wins. The APhA New Practitioner Network wants to hear about your success stories.

    Tell us about a time when you or someone you know made a difference in the profession. Tell us about those who inspired you to rise. We look forward to reading and being inspired by your stories.  Happy American Pharmacists Month!

    Maria Gonzalez, PharmD
    APhA NPN Member Engagement Standing Committee

  • 2.  RE: Celebrating American Pharmacists Month together!

    Posted 10-09-2023 02:51 PM

    I remember one of my favorite pharmacists that I worked with as a student pharmacist was a floating pharmacist at the retail location I interned at. One memory stands out to me of her taking time during a busy day to help educate a patient on how to do a Vitamin B12 injection for the first time. I remember this was in the middle of both flu and COVID vaccine season, and even though the pharmacy was incredibly busy, it was clear this pharmacist had patient care at the forefront of her mind.

    Speaking with the patients at checkout, they were given a great amount of peace of mind and knew that they could always come back to our pharmacy with any questions. The patient was scared and worried about having to give themselves shots so often, or having a loved one do it, and they seemed to have confidence after that education that they could handle it despite their fear. Pharmacists have an amazing opportunity to empower patients and let them know they always have access to healthcare providers if they need it through their local pharmacies.

    I'd love to hear the rest of you and your stories about differences being made through pharmacists! Happy APhM!

    Zachary Krauss FPI,MBA
    PGY1 HSPAL Resident
    Winston-Salem NC

  • 3.  RE: Celebrating American Pharmacists Month together!

    Posted 10-16-2023 08:14 PM

    My biggest inspiration in the field of pharmacy is my mom! She is a community pharmacist who goes above and beyond for her patients. I cannot count the number of times growing up when my mom received a call after the pharmacy had closed that someone needed a refill of their medication or someone received a prescription from an urgent care that needed to be filled. My mom never hesitated to drive the 25 minutes to the pharmacy to take care of her patients, even on holidays. I aspire to provide the patient-centered care that she does and to be such a positive reflection on the profession of pharmacy.

    Lauren Holbrook, PharmD, MPH
    PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident
    Birmingham VA Health Care System
    Birmingham, AL
    (256) 223-1629

  • 4.  RE: Celebrating American Pharmacists Month together!

    Posted 10-17-2023 11:58 AM
    Edited by Devin Horinek 10-17-2023 11:58 AM

    One of my favorite memories during pharmacy school was our Legislative Day advocacy at the Capital in Santa Fe, NM. At the time, we were advocating for provider status in the state of New Mexico by supporting HB 42. Our advocacy efforts led the the bill being passed, advancing pharmacy practice in NM! Those efforts led me to become involved in pharmacy organizations, nationally, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to advance pharmacy practice! Happy American Pharmacists Month to you all!!!

    Devin Horinek, PharmD
    PGY1 Pharmacy Resident
    Southwest Care Center
    Albuquerque, New Mexico

  • 5.  RE: Celebrating American Pharmacists Month together!

    Posted 10-22-2023 01:05 PM

    Happy Pharmacists Month!

    One thing that makes me so proud to be a pharmacist is the quality of care that pharmacists provide to their patients.  Throughout my pharmacy career, I have seen pharmacists from all career backgrounds unite to improve the health and wellness of their communities.  Pharmacists are not only medication experts but also advocates for person-centered and high-quality healthcare.  They go above and beyond to ensure that their patients' healthcare needs are met.  As a pharmacy resident, I am inspired by the exceptional pharmacists who go the extra mile for their patients.  I am amazed by how much pharmacists can positively transform lives through compassionate care and respect.

    Michelle Chin

  • 6.  RE: Celebrating American Pharmacists Month together!

    Posted 10-24-2023 09:20 AM
    Edited by Laura Sosinski 10-24-2023 09:20 AM

    When I reflect on my time as a student and new practitioner, I am so lucky to have so many pharmacists who impacted and inspired me. One particularly still inspires me in everything she does and I am so lucky to have her as a colleague today. This pharmacist was my APhA-ASP advisor. When I applied and didn't get chosen for a position on the APhA-ASP National Policy Standing Committee, she was the one who encouraged me to re-apply the following year after I had grown so much. Watching her fight for her students and the profession of pharmacy in legislative sessions really showed me that my voice matters too. Now, I am so thankful for a mentor who is also a friend. In fact, I just celebrated my wedding and I cried when I saw she made time out of her busy schedule to attend it. How lucky am I to have such an amazing mentor, friend, and pharmacist. Happy American Pharmacists Month!

    Laura Sosinski PharmD, MBA, BCPS
    Pharmacy Manager - Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy
    Adjunct Professor BSHS - Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
    APhA NPN Member Engagement Standing Committee Member