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Group PAC Challenge 2023 - NEW Hospital and Health System Pharmacist

  • 1.  Group PAC Challenge 2023 - NEW Hospital and Health System Pharmacist

    Posted 11-06-2023 02:25 PM

    Dear Hospital and Health System Pharmacist Colleagues,

    With only a few days left in this year's APhA-APPM SIG & APhA Core Group PAC Challenge, please consider making a donation that will help to shape the future of our great profession. 

    The mission of the APhA Political Action Committee (APhA-PAC) is to support candidates for federal office who have demonstrated support for pharmacy issues and recognize the value of pharmacists in the health care system. Help grow the APhA-PAC and educate lawmakers about the important role of pharmacists. Show your support for the pharmacy community by designating your contribution to the APhA-PAC to the NEW Hospital and Health System Pharmacist group @ Hospital and Healthsystem Core Group ( 

    Thank you to all the everyone who have contributed to the 2023 APhA-APPM SIG & APhA Core Group PAC Challenge. There is only about 1 week left in the campaign so it's not too late to show your SIG or Core Group-specific pride and donate to the APhA PAC. Make a contribution of $19.25, $50, $100, $250 or more to the APhA-PAC during the SIG & Core Group PAC Challenge going on now.  

    Please also consider joining our core group efforts if you work in a hospital, healthsystem, or similar area!   

    DISCLAIMER: The APhA-PAC is 100% funded by individual APhA members and is a nonpartisan entity governed by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Contributions to American Pharmacists Association Political Action Committee (APhA-PAC) are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are limited to personal funds of $5,000 per person annually. You must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent residence in the U.S. in order to contribute. Contributions to the APhA-PAC will be used to support federal candidates and other political committees. Contributions are strictly voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution level is merely a suggestion, and you are fee to contribute more or less than suggestion. Federal law requires the APhA-PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of persons whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

    Matthew Curran
    Fort Lauderdale FL