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New Practitioner SIG Spotlight

  • 1.  New Practitioner SIG Spotlight

    Posted 8 days ago
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    We are spotlighting New Practitioners within APhA, and I am excited to highlight Dr. Elizabeth Rayes, PharmD, a member of APhA-APPM Nuclear Pharmacy Practice SIG.

    Elizabeth is originally from Detroit, Michigan. She completed her Bachelor's in Pharmaceutical Studies at Purdue University and her Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of Oklahoma. She currently practices as a Nuclear Pharmacist at Brigham & Women's Hospital. Elizabeth looks forward to learning more and working with the various drugs on the horizon for both therapy and diagnostics within Nuclear. She also enjoys finding ways to be involved in policy and advocacy for the profession. She currently serves as the chair of APhA's New Practitioner Network Communications Committee and as a co-chair of the Nuclear Pharmacy SIGs Student and New Practitioner committee. Elizabeth is passionate about helping new practitioners connect and stay involved with organizations as they begin their careers.

    Elizabeth was very involved in APhA-ASP as a student and loved her experiences with it which led her to continue her involvement with APhA past graduation. She shares that APhA-APPM and the Nuclear Pharmacy SIG became her home post-grad and she loves how APhA has a place for every pharmacist, regardless of specialty. She expresses how great it is to learn from and connect with people across a multitude of areas within our field. Elizabeth specifically joined the Nuclear SIG from an invitation from a professor at OU, where she was invited to an annual meeting and since then has been going every year due to the amazing experience and connections she made.

    Elizabeth is extremely passionate about Nuclear Pharmacy and within her SIG, she has the ability share this passion with aspiring nuclear pharmacists. She would love to continue to help others to learn more and get more hands-on experience in the nuclear field during their time as students. She sees significant value in building a network of new practitioners that can learn from each other and use each other as resources as they navigate the beginning of their careers. These relationships also allow new practitioners to share experiences and ideas with each other, or to problem solve together. Elizabeth reports that being active within the Nuclear Pharmacy SIG has allowed her to have a place to share these experiences or address issues and hopes that others are inspired to do the same and to further explore Nuclear Pharmacy.

    The Nuclear Pharmacy SIG has connected Elizabeth to a variety of opportunities to participate in including continuing education, connections with advanced nuclear pharmacists, and staying in the know about what is on the horizon for Nuclear Pharmacy. This SIG has provided her with significant knowledge that will allow her to grow as a practitioner as well as providing her a strong community of pharmacists to rely on as she navigates her career as a new practitioner.

    Hannah Funk
    PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Resident
    Tria Health
    APhA PRFSC Communications Member